Stay Dry, Stay Relevant This Spring

Stay Dry, Stay Relevant This Spring

March is National Umbrella Month, and as snow gives way to rain for most of us by then (if not already), we will be very excited to be able to get outside again after a long winter! Don’t miss this opportunity to have a walking advertisement on an umbrella!

In 2017, umbrellas have become “high tech”. Here’s a look at what is new and trending in umbrellas for 2017:

NEVERWET Totes Brand Umbrella. This umbrella features a revolutionary water

repellency technology that makes the water roll right off the umbrella, keeping it 4 times drier! No more putting a wet umbrella on the car seat, or bringing a wet umbrella into the office.

Image result for neverwet totes

Image result for neverwet totes

Posted 03/22/2017 in news